Act Now! Tell Congress to solve child care.
THIS IS NOT A DRILL! Tell U.S. Senators to invest in affordable, high-quality child care and Pre-K for our families through reconciliation! Right now our U.S Senators are considering a child care proposal, led by Senators Patty Murray of Washington State and Tim Kaine of Virginia, that would help over 1 million new kids and families find and afford child care, as well as help childcare workers. Can you double down on your commitment to push for child care by taking these actions?
- SIGN OUR PETITION telling Senators to pass Senator Murray and Kaine's new child care reconciliation proposal!
- MAKE A QUICK PHONE CALL - Text “ChildcareNow” to 747464 and enter your zip code, and you’ll be connected to your senator’s office! Tell them it’s time to #SolveChildCare!
- Click on our super quick and easy tool to send a Letter to Editor (LTE) to your local newspaper, it's super easy with our LTE tool!
- Share your child care story to our story collection that we will share with elected officials!
- Make a quick, impactful video sharing your child care story here!
- TWEET - If you’re on Twitter, then tweet this message to each of your senators: "Congress cannot leave families behind. It's time to #SolveChildCare. Child care and Pre-K MUST be included in the reconciliation package!"
Currently, nearly half a million families are estimated to be stranded without reliable child care, exacerbating the nation's worker shortage as parents continue to stay home. The infuriating part of all of this is that already, pre-pandemic, more than half of families lived in child care deserts without safe, nurturing, affordable options to begin with.
And, even though it seemed like the labor market has made positive gains this past January, it turns out that 27 times more men than women joined the labor force during this time, child care being one of the primary reasons behind this. Women and moms are still being hit hard. Too many of us were tasked with carrying ALL the burden during the pandemic, and after all this, we may still not get the relief and support we ACTUALLY need!
Dear Senator,
Moms, dads, and concerned people from around the country have been saying for years that our child care system is broken, a fact and lived reality that only became much worse as a result of over two years of a global pandemic.
Senator Murray of Washington State and Senator Kaine of Virginia, have put forth a child care proposal that would help over 1 million new kids and families find and afford child care, as well as help childcare workers.
Their plan would:
- Triple the existing Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG - the current grant program to states for child care) to increase child care funds to all states;
- Provide grants to all states to expand child care supply, improve facilities, and raise compensation for early childhood educators;
- Invests in establishing and expanding High-Quality Preschool Grants; and
- Invests in raising wages for early educators.
We are urging you to support and pass Senator Murray and Kaine's new child care proposal that would help over 1 million new kids and families find and afford child care!
Remember, to sign, call (Text “ChildcareNow” to 747464 and enter your zip code, and you’ll be connected to your senator’s office!), write a Letter to the Editor, share your child care story, make a video of your story, and/or tweet to let your senators know that child care and Pre-K MUST be included in the reconciliation package!
Your voices matter, our struggles matter and together we know we can make the impact so many families need.
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