Charlie has a son and is a medical school student..
Charlie Rose
Charlie Rose is a fellow with, a national organization with over a million members advocating for family economic security.
Blog Post List
Take Action!
April 16, 2015
Yesterday my son and I went for a bike ride to the park and decided to swing by the grocery store on our way home to pick up a few things. When we went to check out I realized that I didn't bring my wallet to the park. We put back our groceries and my son was laughing about how it was his first time to go backwards through the grocery store. He doesn't remember the times when he was little that we did the same thing - not because I forgot my wallet, but because our food stamps had run out or because the electric bill cleared a day early. Walking backwards through the grocery store was part of...

September 1, 2014
To read this blog post in English, click here . Ayer, me uní a miles de otros Tejanos para marchar en el Capitolio y enviar el mensaje de que el Medicaid de Texas importa. La marcha, la coalición y las visitas legislativas organizadas por Texas Well and Healthy unieron a las personas de todas partes de Texas para compartir lo que significa la cobertura de salud de Medicaid – o lo que significaría – a sus familias y nuestro estado. Los legisladores de Texas están decidiendo ahora mismo si el estado aceptará mil millones de dólares en fondos federales que permitirán que 1,5 millones de Tejanos...
August 22, 2014
To read this blog post in English, click here . Tener días de enfermedad pagados es importante para mí como madre. Soy una madre soltera que siempre recibe esas llamadas angustiosas de la escuela cuando mi hijo está enfermo: “Tu hijo esta enfermo, necesitas recogerlo inmediatamente.” Mi hijo tiene 9 años así que ha pasado la etapa de enfermedades. Pero recuerdo muy bien esos primeros años dificiles. Es como si nuestro niños estuvieran programados para enfermarse cuando tomar un día libre sería un desastre. En mi trabajo anterior, llamar enferma era una de las cosas mas temidas. Un jefe...

June 2, 2014
It has been over 50 years since John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act, but we are still fighting for equal pay for equal work for all. Right now the wage gap is kind of like the faces on U.S. money...only straight white men earn full dollars. Everyone else is left with pocket change. The graphic above shows the average wage gap for all women (77 cents) and the averages for Black and Latino men (76 cents & 61 cents) and women (64 cents & 55 cents). When you add children to the mix, the numbers for women get worse. Mothers of any race, on average, earn less than their non-parenting...
March 27, 2014
Kids are gross. Inspiring, cuddly, lovable, yes - but also: gross. I had barely heard of things like pink eye, ringworm and foot and mouth disease until I became a mom. My kid even got scarlet fever - Oregon Trail much? All kids get sick sometime, but nothing makes a 2 am vomit session worse than the additional worry that you’ll lose your job if you can’t go in to work the next day. Unfortunately, that nightmare is a reality for far too many people in the United States. In fact, today, 40% of all workers and 80% of low-wage workers cannot earn even a single paid sick day to care for...
January 7, 2014
Something amazing is happening across the country. People are coming together across cities, states and even at the national level to stand up for a basic workplace protection – the right to earn paid sick time. Across the country people are taking a stand. They’re saying that when someone is sick, or has a family member who is ill, they deserve to be able to stay home and heal and care for their loved their ones. And it is working. Since 2006, six cities - San Francisco, Seattle, Washington D.C., Portland (Oregon), New York City and Jersey City - (and one state - Connecticut!) have passed...
December 12, 2013
Winter is on its way and it's bringing the flu. There are many things we do to try and protect our families from flu. We get vaccines, we wash our hands, we convince the little ones in our lives to sneeze or cough into their elbows... but oftentimes we can not do the simplest and best thing we should do to fight the flu - we can't stay home. Fortunately, we can fight the flu, before it starts, by getting Congress to pass the Healthy Families Act, a national standard for earned paid sick days! For most people the flu is...
August 27, 2013
On August 29th, in honor and in continuation of the March on Washington 50 years ago, I will join friends, family, and my community on a march for good jobs . The march is organized by low wage fast food and retail workers, under the banner of 'fight for 15' who are demanding a living wage and jobs with justice. Much of my work at MomsRising centers around the state of jobs in this country -- specifically on workplace protections like paid sick days, paid family leave, and fair pay. Consistently, people of color bear the largest burden when it comes to companies withholding these basic...
August 23, 2013
A few days ago, here in Texas, a friend, her baby, and I delivered stories about the need for paid family leave to our U.S. Senators and I wanted to share a few pics and let you know how easy it was. I had never been to my Senators' district office, but it was easy to look it up from the link on the instructions page that I got after signing up to make the delivery. I noticed that my Senators' offices were only 8 blocks away from each other and decided to visit both. I'm in Texas, so I printed the national stories page from the instructions page, and then texted a friend to see if she'd like...
June 18, 2013
Yesterday was the 50th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act, but we are still fighting for equal pay for equal work for all. Right now the wage gap is kind of like the faces on US money… only white men earn full dollars. Everyone else is left with pocket change. The graphic above shows the average wage gap for all women (77 cents) and the averages for Black and Latino men (76 cents & 61 cents) and women (64 cents & 55 cents). When you add children to the mix, the numbers for women get worse. Mothers of any race, on average, earn less than their non-parenting peers. Single mothers, on...
April 24, 2013
Sick days matter to me as a mom. I am a single mother so I have always been the parent who gets those dreaded calls -- the daycare number pops up on your phone and your heart sinks into your stomach. "Your son is sick, you need to get him now." My son is 8 now, so he is past the sick-every-five-seconds stage, but I remember those earlier years a little too well. It's like kids are programmed to projectile you-know-what right when taking a day off would be a disaster. In my last job, calling in sick was one of the scariest things to do. An angry boss adds worlds of stress to the already...
March 6, 2013
Yesterday, I joined with thousands of other Texans to march on the Capitol and send the message that Texas Medicaid Matters. The march, rally and legislative visits organized by Texas Well and Healthy brought together people from all over Texas to share what Medicaid health coverage means - or would mean - to their families and our state. Texas lawmakers are deciding right now whether the state will accept billions of dollars in federal funds that would allow 1.5 million currently uninsured Texans to have health coverage they need. The Medicaid expansion that would make this possible would...
March 4, 2013
I know first hand that Medicaid saves lives and reduces medical costs. When I was pregnant with my son, I went into preterm labor at 26 weeks. I had medical coverage through Medicaid, so when I noticed that something felt off, I went directly to the hospital. Without Medicaid, I would have been reluctant to go to the hospital for fear of unnecessary hospital bills that I would have had no chance of paying. The folks at St. David's Hospital, here in Austin, were able to stop the early labor and my son was born full-term. Without Medicaid, I might have waited to go to the hospital until I was...
February 5, 2013
Today the Family Medical Leave Act turns 20. Over the last 20 years, FMLA has been used an estimated 100 million times -- giving job protected unpaid leave to employees welcoming a new child, caring for an ailing loved one, or managing their own serious or chronic illness. We asked our members to share their experiences with FMLA and were unsurprised to find that FMLA is intimately tied to life’s greatest milestones. From the mother who used FMLA to become mama to her newly adopted daughter to the mother who used leave to care for her father in his final days, the following stories illustrate...
January 31, 2013
Yesterday a friend posted a link to a Facebook group I'm in about Jaielyn, a high school sophomore in Delaware whose school won't let her pump or store breast milk at school. I read the article and my head spun. I've been here before. I got pregnant at the end of my sophomore year of high school and by the time I got back from summer for junior year, my belly made it clear for everyone to see. Like the mother in Delaware, I was a good student and an avid bookworm. I was in all honors classes, considered 'gifted and talented', and one of very few juniors in calculus - but my teachers couldn't...