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I Am ‘Occupying’ D.C. for My Children and Future Generations

December 8, 2011
This week I will be sitting in at Congressional members’ offices, confronting corporate lobbyists on K Street and taking other actions with organizers from Our DC and across the country to draw attention to our nation’s high unemployment and underemployment rate. I haven’t felt this energized since...
Linda Evans's picture

Unemployment Insurance is the LEAST We Can Offer Working Families

December 8, 2011
The reason I say “working” families is because this economy is much more complicated than “working” and “unemployed.” There are many families like ours, struggling, even though we both technically have jobs. We are both in our 50s, have no retirement savings and are living paycheck to paycheck. A...
Elisanta Batista's picture

Without Unemployment Insurance, My Family Would Have To Choose Which Bills to Pay

December 8, 2011
To say that the job market is “bad” in Tampa, Florida, would be an understatement. The city has an unemployment rate of almost 11% , which is slightly higher than the rest of the state and significantly higher than the rest of the country. Everything from our home foreclosure rates to divorce rates...
Teresa Rey's picture

Good Education. Good experience. Still unemployed.

December 8, 2011
I am an RN who specializes in utilization review. I had worked for the same company since 1999. Unfortunately, as the dawn of the economic crisis broke, that company was swallowed up by another company, and then that was sold to another. After years of losing pensions, switching to lesser yielding...
Theresa Witt's picture

Unions and Sexual Harassment

November 15, 2011
At a time when women’s rights are under attack in so many areas – we need to be sure that sexual harassment is recognized and taken seriously. Candidates who seek our vote must be clear that they will support, enforce and strengthen protections for women on the job. The Coalition of Labor Union...
Carol Rosenblatt's picture

HERVotes Blog-A-Thon: Fighting Sexual Harassment

November 15, 2011
Welcome to the fifth #HERvotes blog carnival on the need to keep strong the laws and public policies to end sex discrimination and sexual harassment in schools and at the workplace. The HERvotes, a multi-organizational campaign launched in August 2011, advocates women must use our voices and votes...
Eleanor Smeal's picture

Correct. Protect. Respect. Promoting Economic Security with Safe Workplaces

November 15, 2011
Women work. A lot of women work, making up 47% of the American workforce today. Two out three do so to provide the sole or a substantial part of a household income. Yet women in the workforce continue to be the targets of unwanted, unwelcome sexual harassment in the workplace. While the EEOC...

Sorry Rachel, There Still is Sexual Harassment

November 15, 2011
At less than a year old, you are a bit young to hear this message. The immediate learning challenges ahead of you include walking and talking. But this is one of those topics that there is never really a good time to discuss. While I hope you never experience this, forewarned is forearmed and...

Welcome to the Jungle: Sexual Harassment in College

November 15, 2011
One commonly noted sign of progress in the gender equality battle is that women now make up the majority--yes that is more than 50% --of college students. This is an enormous advance and reflects the hard work and dedication of generations of women: Women who have fought to be heard and taken...

Don't Get Mad, Get Elected!

November 2, 2011
Turned to your favorite news source lately? You’ve surely noticed that as another election season gathers steam, the so-called “civil” servants jockeying to represent us spend their time trying to pummel each other with barbs and bile. The conversation never seems to turn to vital issues like the...
Miriam Feffer's picture
