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Families & The Federal Budget

Budget Deal a Positive First Step

October 30, 2015
The bipartisan budget deal that passed this week is a big step in the right direction for human needs programs. Here's what's in the deal, what's not, and what's next.
Lecia Imbery's picture

Bipartisan Budget Deal By White House and Congress Offers Welcomed Relief

October 30, 2015
The bipartisan budget deal hammered out this week by the White House and Congressional leaders – while falling short of what the nation's struggling households need from their government - will provide welcome stability to the budget and appropriations process for the remainder of this year and...
Jim Weill's picture

This Professor’s Secret Could Save Your Life

October 28, 2015
Professors lead cushy lives. They get to stroll the grounds of stately, ivy-covered campuses, tailed by flocks of eager students who revere them as intellectual giants. Or so I’d always thought. Then I met Susan . Susan is a smart, highly educated professor. She lives in the Tacoma area where she...
Roberta Riley's picture

A Federal Program that Can Provide Support During the Critical Early Years

October 27, 2015
My youngest child just turned 12, but I can still remember how hard it was when my children were babies: the lack of sleep, the colicky evenings, the diaper blow-outs, the meals eaten with one hand, the worry when they ran a fever. But I never had to worry about whether we’d have a place to sleep...
Elizabeth Lower-Basch's picture

My Speech on Women and Work

October 26, 2015
Tomorrow I will be giving a speech about the state of working women. The event, which is sponsored by the National Women's Law Center, takes a look at both the progress we have made and what is left to be done to ensure women have equality in the workplace and our daily lives. Here are some...
Liz Shuler's picture

#StoptheCuts and Fund What Matters for Safer Kids & Communities

October 22, 2015
As a nation, we’re living through a powerful moment of reflection on our country’s approach to criminal justice. Progress in states’ juvenile justice systems can offer insights into a better, fairer system – but only if the federal government makes good on its promise to fund what works. Too often...

Death By a Thousand Cuts

October 21, 2015
I grew up solidly middle class. So much has changed since then. We expect more. Two cars, not one. More than one television per household. Air conditioning, not fans. All the new gadgets. What has also changed is that health care costs have soared. Cars and housing take up a larger percentage of...
Susan Shaer's picture

Raising Revenues Must Be Central Goal of Budget Talks

October 21, 2015
Budgets are made up of equal parts spending out and revenue in. But budget negotiators in Washington this fall are talking only about what spending to cut, not what revenue to raise—even though there are tax loopholes to close that should draw rare bipartisan support and eliminate the need to cut...
Frank Clemente's picture

#StoptheCuts so we can #endhungernow

October 20, 2015
Earlier this month, the Food Research and Action Center shared a comprehensive plan of action to end hunger in America . This plan lists clear steps that our nation can take to achieve this goal, but it most certainly cannot be done unless Congress #stopsthecuts and starts to invest in proven...
Jim Weill's picture

A Slow-Motion Disaster in the Making

October 20, 2015
After waiting until the last possible minute to act, Congress recently averted a shutdown of the federal government by passing a “Continuing Resolution” (CR) for the 2016 federal fiscal year that began on October 1, 2015. Yet this short-term action, which only keeps the government open until mid-...
David J. Socolow's picture
