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Families & The Federal Budget

A Slow-Motion Disaster in the Making

October 20, 2015
After waiting until the last possible minute to act, Congress recently averted a shutdown of the federal government by passing a “Continuing Resolution” (CR) for the 2016 federal fiscal year that began on October 1, 2015. Yet this short-term action, which only keeps the government open until mid-...
David J. Socolow's picture

Access to Campus Childcare – Supporting the Success of Today’s Parents and The Next Generation

October 20, 2015
As the economic challenges facing today’s students gain national political attention, it is critical to focus on a growing proportion of our student population – student parents. Indeed, the numbers may surprise you: approximately one quarter of today’s students have children , and fifty percent of...
Konrad Mugglestone's picture

An Open Letter to Women Nationwide

October 20, 2015
Dear women nationwide, My name is Randi Schmidt. I am a child advocate who is writing to every woman who, as a child, lived through economic hardships such as hunger, a parent losing their job, falling ill or dying, or whose family struggled to get by paycheck-to-paycheck. I ask you to remember who...
Randi Schmidt's picture

Preserve tax credits so struggling families can do more than just survive

October 20, 2015
Since joining RESULTS earlier this year, I’ve learned to understand the power of my own voice. If I speak up and demand change — and if other ordinary people do the same — our elected representatives will listen. That’s why advocacy is such an incredible force. It has the capacity to transform...
Ruth Innocent's picture

Giving all families a chance at healthy lives

October 19, 2015
Some of the most burdensome health conditions our communities and families face can be prevented. Yes, it is easier said than done, but we must take action when more than half of all adults in the U.S. have a chronic health disease and 7 in 10 adult deaths are caused by ones such as cancer, heart...
Kathy Chin's picture
Take Action!

#StopTheCuts Blog Carnival! Families & the Federal Budget

October 19, 2015
Our nation and our Congress have some momentous decisions to make in the coming weeks. Will we balance our nation’s budget on the backs of working families, which hurts our economy in the long-run, or will we instead end tax breaks for billionaires? Budget cuts proposed by the U.S. House of...
Kristin's picture

Tight Spending Caps Continue To Squeeze Important Priorities

October 19, 2015
As President Obama and Congressional leaders continue their budget discussions, it’s important to understand just how much is at stake for American families. The 2011 Budget Control Act (BCA) placed strict caps on defense and non-defense programs funded through annual appropriations. These caps...
David Reich's picture

We’re asking the wrong question

October 19, 2015
Most of our response to hunger in America is wrong. The programs and policies we employ are, by and large, misdirected, misguided and missing the mark entirely. That shameful fact is the result of one simple problem: When we ask the wrong question, the answer is inevitably wrong, too. The question...
Abby Leibman's picture

Michigan families need federal action on EITC, CTC

October 19, 2015
While much attention has been focused recently on protecting the Michigan Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) , there is equally urgent action needed in Washington to save critical pieces of the federal EITC and Child Tax Credit (CTC). The federal and Michigan EITCs combine to provide much-needed...
Gilda Jacobs's picture

Housing Matters

October 19, 2015
In the 2013-14 school year, there were 1.36 million homeless students in the United States, doubling since before the recession.
Linda Couch's picture
