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We're so close to passing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act that we're already cooling the champagne. But (and this is a pretty big "but") there are some potentially big glitches that could happen today on the Senate floor and we need your help to stop them.

Here's what's going on: The House passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act at the start of the new congressional session1 and the Senate could start voting on this act -- including on whether or not to amend it in very, very bad and weakening ways -- as soon as today! We need to help stop these bad amendments. We've come too far to let the Fair Pay Act be significantly weakened at the last minute.

Send a letter now with 1-click to tell your Senators to stand by fair pay and not to weaken the Act just before the vote:

We need as many people as possible to contact their Senators today to stop this bad direction before the Senate votes, so please forward this email to your friends and family now.

THE LOWDOWN: Right now, Senators who oppose fair pay, but feel public pressure to vote for it, are trying to include amendments that would actually gut the bill and make it difficult to fight pay discrimination.

Today and tomorrow are the days that will make or break the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. After you send a letter to your Senators, forward this message to your friends so they can tell their Senators that we want the full Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act passed -- not an amended version with no teeth.

It's a tricky game: If Senators who oppose fair pay pass these amendments, the bill would not be effective in fighting pay discrimination. Then, they could technically vote "yes" on the gutted, amended bill, and get to have their cake and eat it too: Telling constituents that they voted yes for fair pay when they really just passed legislation without any teeth.

Put your Senators on notice. If they really support fair pay, they will vote to pass the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act with no amendments

Thank you! Get that champagne ready!

1. Read Nancy Pelosi's blog post about the bill's passage out of the house.

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