Tell Speaker Ryan to support the EITC and Child Tax Credit!
Representative Paul Ryan was just sworn in as the new Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives last Thursday. We want to give him a big welcome to this new and important position and we want to do it the MomsRising way—by making sure he prioritizes working families!
Let's start by urging Speaker Ryan to use his new power to move forward tax breaks for working families, like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit, which Speaker Ryan has publicly supported in the past.
Here’s the thing: Unless the U.S. Congress acts soon, key provisions of the EITC and Child Tax Credit will expire, pushing nearly 16 million people—including 8 million children and many military families—into poverty and making it harder for tens of millions more families to pay their bills. Pushing families into poverty also hurts our economy. We can’t let this happen!
Speaker Ryan, himself, has expressed strong support for these tax breaks. In a 2014 speech, he said, “The EITC gives workers a boost without hurting their prospects. It gives families flexibility—it helps them take ownership of their lives.”
We agree with Speaker Ryan! The EITC, along with the Child Tax Credit, does boost families and our economy!
More than 63 million families, including 1 in 4 current or former armed forces families with children, make ends meet and avoid falling into poverty by using the EITC and Child Tax Credit. This extra money helps our families make ends meet throughout the year and pay for things that otherwise might be unaffordable like a car to get to work, a place to live, shoes for our kids, and other necessities. And by making those purchases, we are funneling money back into our local economy, which sorely needs it.
The EITC and the Child Tax Credit often gets lost in the mix when Congress is more focused on tax breaks for the wealthy. We know this is an issue that the Speaker agrees with us on, so we need to double down on our efforts and let him know that moms and dads support the EITC and Child Tax Credit and want Congress to take action this year. After you write Speaker Ryan, can you post our action link to Facebook and tell your friends why you are supporting the EITC and Child Tax Credit today?
Together we are a powerful voice for moms, children, and families!
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