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Tell Congress “prioritize our families now!”
There are less than 7 weeks left in the year but WOW does Congress have some work to do!
We have created a “to-do” list for Congress to keep them on schedule for delivering important policies for our families, children, and economy by the end of the year.
Here’s what’s going on: The U.S. Congress returned to D.C. this week after taking time off for the election. And while there are only a few weeks left in the year, they are starting to negotiate and debate a large end-of-the-year package of “must pass” items that will be voted on in December. It’s imperative that the priorities of moms, women, and families are included in that package.
Here is what is on MomsRisings’s End of the Year To-Do List:
- Extend the expanded Child Tax Credit
- Pass workplace accommodations and protections for pregnant and nursing/lactating parents
- Pass maternal health and mental health policies
- Encourage insulin manufacturers to limit out-of-pocket expenses and price of insulin for millions of patients
- Make 12 months of postpartum Medicaid coverage mandatory for states and ensure continuous eligibility for individuals eligible for CHIP and Medicaid
- Protect hundreds of thousands of Dreamers and immigrant families
- Move forward early learning and childcare solutions by doubling resources for childcare
- Pass the Respect for Marriage Act and protect LGBTQ+ families
- Reduce the number of hungry kids in America by passing the Healthy Meals, Healthy Kids Act
Now is not the time to get complacent! We need moms, dads, grandparents, caregivers, and concerned people to speak out and make your voice heard! We need Congress to deliver for moms, women, and families by passing these important policies by the end of the year.
We only have a few weeks left to pass these vital policies. After you’ve signed our letter, share this with your friends and family and ask them to sign as well.
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