Let's Make 2016 a MOMentous Year for Pennsylvania Families
February 9, 2016
MomsRising's Pennsylvania State Moms Force brought our voices to Harrisburg in January, reminding legislators that moms, dads and families around the state are counting on them to champion policies that boost our families and our economy including:
- Access to healthy food
- Affordable, high-quality early learning and childcare
- Universal, paid family leave
- Equal and fair pay
- Earned sick leave
- Reasonable workplace accommodations for pregnant and nursing mothers
We're keeping the drumbeat going, even as our legislature remains gridlocked over the budget. Our voices are so important because:
- Over 3.1 million Pennsylvania women are in the labor force - making up 48 percent of the state workforce - and almost 2 million PA children (71 percent) live in families where both parents work. But our workplace policies haven't changed with our reality and just don't support moms and families.
- Almost 20% of PA children live in poverty. And more than that - over 550,000 of our kids - don’t always know where their next meal is coming from.
We need all hands on deck to tackle the many important issues on our radar this year. Can you help? Here are a few ways to get involved:
- Sign up for the Pennsylvania State Moms Force, and help us make ours the state of motherly love!
- We're also organizing local meet-ups in a few cities around the state this spring. Are you interested? Email Karen@momsrising.org for more info!
- Join us at the Keystone Progress Summit next Saturday February 20, as we talk about the importance of mobilizing parents around family economic security issues. We'll also be painting onesies!
I hope to see you on-the-ground in Pennsylvania this spring!
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