Chocolate is Nice. But Equality is Better.
I love chocolates and flowers and brunch as much as any mom. But what I really want for Mother’s Day can’t be bought in a store.
For Mother’s Day, and EVERY DAY, I want moms (and dads!) to be able to take a day off from work when they (or their kids) get the flu, or strep throat, or other illness; without a pay cut. I want every child to be able to get enough food each day to grow strong. I want moms and families to not fall into financial ruin just because a new baby arrives and we’re the only developed nation in the world without access to paid family leave for new moms. I want childcare NOT to cost more than college anymore. And I want women to be paid the same amount as men for the same exact work.
I want policies like healthcare, paid sick days, affordable childcare, and fair pay that studies show boost moms, dads, families, and our economy too. (Let’s face it, we have a modern economy where women are 50% of the labor force for the fist time in history, but our public policies are stuck in the Stone Ages.) I want our public policies to catch up to the modern realities of motherhood and parenthood.
If you want that, too, then invest in this MomsRising movement, and together we will make a brighter future for moms and dads across America—and for our nation too: https://action.momsrising.org/donate/MothersDay_Match/
In honor of Mother’s Day, every dollar you contribute to MomsRising will be matched $1-for-$1 by another inspired and generous member. Imagine, your $25 gift will turn into a $50 investment to improve the lives of moms and families.
Your MomsRising gift is more powerful than you know. Just look at these recent 2015 victories – they are ONLY possible through the financial support of members like you:
YOU played a major role in convincing Congress NOT to cut children’s health insurance (CHIP).
YOU were part of a tremendous wave of paid sick day wins – Tacoma, WA; Bloomfield, NJ, and Philadelphia, PA joined the paid sick days hall of fame just this year!
YOU got Burger King and Wendy’s to drop sugary soft drinks as a default option for kids' meals.
YOU persuaded the entire U.S. Senate – yes, EVERY Senator – to support a non-binding amendment supporting the rights of pregnant workers.
You’re unstoppable!
Like all this momentum? Then make a contribution to MomsRising and keep it going! Remember, because your gift TODAY will be doubled, you can do so much MORE good for moms and families in 2015.
Where else can you double the value of your Mother’s Day gift AND empower moms and families throughout America?
Wishing you the best Mother’s Day ever, and thank you for all the ways that you make this world a better place.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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