It's September, meaning we're less than two months away from Election Day! It's time to fire up our super parent jet packs! Because voting is one of the most important things we can do to demand the brighter world we seek for our children, families and communities. To help, this week's #5Actions list is all about getting ready to vote! Scroll down for easy links around registering, sharing why you're excited to vote, hosting conversations in your community, and more. And remember: your enthusiasm will have a big impact on your friends and family too. So check the list out, make sure you're ready to go for this November, and make sure your squad is too. Thank you for all you do!
1. Share Why You #CantWait2Vote (hit the panic button)!
BACKGROUND: Hit the button! The #CantWait2Vote Panic Button is not only a stress reliever that keeps a record of your moments of frustration, but also serves as a powerful tool for generating voter momentum as we approach Election Day! Here's how it works: When news or other information flying across your timeline, tv screen, radio broadcast or newspaper makes you want to scream I CAN'T WAIT TO VOTE!, fill in the reason why, then punch your #CantWait2Vote Panic Button. Your reason is then recorded on your own personalized #CantWait2Vote page, and you can easily share it by email or social media too. Together we're forming a collective #CantWait2Vote shout that reminds others to vote, too. (We know that social pressure is a prime motivator for voters!) Join us: hit the #CantWait2Vote button!
2. Check to See if You're Registered to Vote!
BACKGROUND: Donald Trump was elected with just 27% of eligible voters casting a ballot in his name because too few eligible voters registered to vote, and too few registered voters voted. We have a severe case of voter anemia in our nation. We can fix this and so much more by getting everyone in our communities voting. MomsRising is asking everyone to take this pledge. Will you join us? Click here to make sure you're registered, find out how to register if you're not, and pledge to vote!
3. Host a #KeepMarching / Get Out the Vote Book Party!
BACKGROUND: With the November elections on the horizon, it’s time to build the strongest movement possible. And it’s easier (and more fun) than most people think. You see, one powerful way to do this is to get together with your friends, discuss a book that covers OUR top issues and stories, solutions that work, and tips that you can use to make those solutions come true in your local community and in our nation. And such a gathering is also the perfect moment to make sure everyone is still registered to vote — and has a plan to vote in November. It’s easy. We have a great book and discussion guide for you to do all of this and more: Keep Marching: How Every Woman Can Change Our World (All proceeds from this book go to MomsRising). It was written by our Executive Director, so it includes stories and tactics that MomsRising has used to bring people together and WIN at the city, county, state, and federal levels. And with the elections coming up, never has there been a more critical need in our recent history for women and mothers to WIN! Click here and we’ll send you more info -- including the book discussion guide and a link you can use (if you so choose) to a platform to help with your gathering. **Want to get the book now? Please do! Click here to find the book in stores.
BACKGROUND: Ready to help get out a massive, energized, ready-to-change-the-world #MomsVote for the crucial November elections? Awesome. We need you! Make a donation to MomsRising BEFORE Sunday, Sept. 23, and we’ll send you a limited-edition #CantWait2Vote button. Wear it proudly! Show everyone your plan to be a committed voter, and inspire others to vote, too! Here's what it looks like, below. Please donate today!
5. Find Info on Voter Registration Deadlines in Your State (And Tell your Friends!)
BACKGROUND: Make sure your voice will be heard this fall! Double check the voter registration deadlines in your state and TELL YOUR FRIENDS TOO! Click here to find out your deadline.
Thank you for all you do, we're excited for this fall (!!) and #KeepMarching!
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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