TVs, Paddleboards, and Theme Park Tickets?? Florida Moms Want Our Hard-Earned Tax Dollars to Support Public Schools
Lisa Lederer, 202/371-1996
“Florida moms support public education. We want our tax dollars to support strong public schools that welcome all students, teach honest history, recognize the strength in our diversity, and provide essential resources to the teachers who work so hard to help our children learn and grow.
“It has, however, become increasingly clear that Florida lawmakers have a very different agenda. They are working in myriad ways to undermine public education in this state. The latest example, and one of the most egregious, is the recent purchasing guide that allows parents who home-school their children or send them to private school to use voucher money left after paying tuition and fees for a host of noneducational items, including 55-inch TVs, game consoles, kayaks, and passes to Busch Gardens and Disney World.
“Moms are fed up with the misuse of Floridians’ tax dollars, and the diversion of funds our public schools badly need. The state must use its education dollars more responsibly and wisely. Allowing them to be used for luxury items is simply unacceptable.”