Taylor is a Campaign Manager for MomsRising's Workplace Justice Campaigns. Her professional background is in reproductive healthcare and the protection of reproductive rights through grassroots organizing, public education and legislative change within the state of Pennsylvania. Taylor is a proud Philadelphia transplant, graduating from Temple University with a major in Public Health and minor in Biology. She has diverse academic and professional backgrounds related to health and wellness, and truly believes that social health directly impacts one's physical wellbeing. As a Black woman living in the United States, Taylor is grateful to have opportunities to use her lived and professional experiences to positively impact the lives of women and families in her community. Taylor lives in South West Philadelphia with her husband and several species of plant babies.
Blog Post List

September 20, 2023
My 2-year old successfully used the potty for 4 days last week! I could not be more excited – not just because this means she’s hit another milestone. But I’m most excited about ditching diapers and putting that money toward groceries and student loan payments! → Tell Pampers: If you’re really “dedicated to every baby’s happy, healthy development,” you’ll stop price gouging . Inflation may be slowing down but Procter & Gamble, Pampers’ parent company, surely is not. The cost of Pampers rose by 7% last quarter and CEO of P&G, Jon Moeller, suggests more price hikes are to come! 1 This...

August 15, 2023
It’s been so hot lately, but today we’re heated for an entirely different reason. Today is Moms’ Equal Pay Day, marking the fact that moms – across race and ethnicity – must work until August 15th of 2023 to earn what dads made in 2022 alone. Of course, averages alone don’t tell the whole story because, due to structural racism, moms of color face much larger wage gaps when compared separately. It’s beyond frustrating that this year we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act becoming law, yet we STILL don’t have pay equity.

May 12, 2023
This is a special Mother’s Day edition of #5Actions! We are looking forward to celebrating with all the moms and like-moms in our lives on Sunday and we hope you are too! But we all know that Mother’s Day is about more than brunches, flowers, and chocolates – it's a time we take to honor the moms and caregivers that lead our families, communities, and our nation every day. So while you’re celebrating this weekend, please join us online in taking #5Actions (plus a couple postscripts!) in honor of moms. When you scroll down below, you’ll find actions and opportunities to be engaged, including a...

March 14, 2023
Today is Equal Pay Day for women across the country. We use this day to highlight the persistent pay gap by marking how far into the year women of all races and ethnicities combined, on average, must work to earn what men earned in the previous year. [1] This is NOT okay, Today is NOT a celebration. *Sign our petition urging Congress to take a multifaceted approach to closing the wage gap immediately! It’s nothing short of outrageous that right now, today, on average women, working full-time, year round, earn just 84 cents to a man's dollar. When you factor in part-time, seasonal, & gig...

September 13, 2022
POLLING DATE: August 12-21, 2022 POLL BACKGROUND INFO: The online survey reached a total of 1,500 likely voters which includes a base sample of 1,000 likely voters with oversamples of 100 African American likely voters, 100 Asian American Pacific Islander likely voters, 100 Latinx likely voters, 100 suburban caregivers, and 100 LGBTQ likely voters. These oversamples were weighted down into the base sample to their proper proportion of the universe for a total sample size of 1,000. We also surveyed 100 Democratic 2022 surge voters which was kept separate from the base sample. The margin of...
Education Fund

August 24, 2022
Women’s Equality Day celebrates the 19th Amendment, which among other things, guaranteed women the right to vote in the United States. Not all women though; it would be another 45 years before Black women were allowed to participate in our civic duty, as granted under the 1965 Voting Rights Act. With our collective right to vote already guaranteed, I have been thinking about what other things I would want on the 102nd anniversary of Women’s Equality Day. However, thinking about all the things we do not have, has put me in a mood. So, I turned to my group chat, as is customary when pondering...
August 18, 2022
MomsRising is a network of people just like you, united by the goal of building a more family-friendly in West Virginia and across America. Ruth and Tracy share their stories about the importance of paid family leave.
Education Fund
November 4, 2020
Unprecedented. So much about 2020 feels unprecedented and this election is no exception. The peaceful transition of power is core to our democracy and protecting our democracy requires active participation in that democracy. That active participation takes many forms - from talking with your friends and family to in-person demonstrations. Given the global COVID-19 pandemic, MomsRising.org is not at this time encouraging participation in any in-person, on-the-ground gatherings. We know, however, that a lot of people will understandably want to participate in such events. We’re offering up this...
Education Fund

August 12, 2020
It’s a back to school season like none we have ever experienced before. Instead of reviewing school supply lists, we’re dealing with a lot of uncertainty and scrambling to figure out what to do if (!?!?) or when (!?!?) our schools and child care centers reopen. This year the supplies that we need the most are things like paid family/medical leave, paid sick days, and massive investments in child care - and they are in *very* short supply. Congress has a role in fixing this problem and they need to ACT NOW . → Tell your U.S. Senators that they must act quickly to support child care and also to...

April 22, 2020
Communities across the globe are feeling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has had disastrous impacts on families everywhere. In response, our PA MomsRising team has compiled a list of resources here to share with our members as they navigate this crisis. The resources below include information on unemployment insurance and paid leave, housing and renter protections, food security, health care enrollment, child care, and resources for undocumented families. Our resource list is by no means comprehensive – we encourage you to help us keep building the list and making it stronger. If you...
Take Action

April 2, 2020
This is all really hard. Our hearts are hurting for our families and our country. And, more than we need hand sanitizer in the time of COVID-19, we need access to paid sick days and paid family leave for everyone. Fortunately we have a start: Today is a historic day in the United States. That’s because today, for the first time ever, thanks to the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act , our nation will have a *limited*, nation-wide, paid sick days and paid family leave law in place during the COVID-19 crisis. The new law is a huge deal and we all helped make it happen. But it’s not...