Blog Post List

April 17, 2017
Since 9/11, a new generation of military spouses has emerged; women and men married to service members who want to maintain a career or business as they follow their spouse where the military demands. The military lifestyle requires out-of-the-box thinking to create a transportable career and, with creativity and grit, many spouses have turned to entrepreneurship to create their own financial and personal future while their service member spouse advances in their own career. The one thing that continues to stand in the way of military spouses achieving their entrepreneurial goal, a goal that...

February 20, 2017
Finding a job as a military spouse can be difficult. But the ladies over at MadSkills have you covered!

December 5, 2016
As with so many other people who land their perfect match on the internet, we met online. No, it wasn’t Tinder, although I like to believe we would both totally swipe right. We randomly found each other in a virtual fitness group, and soon learned we were both Army spouses,moms, and business driven. Over time, Liza and I found that despite our diverse backgrounds (software developer/project manager and child development specialist turned community consultant), our journeys weren’t all that different. As military spouses, we’re frequently uprooted before we’ve had a chance to hit our stride...