Adrienne Kimmell is Executive Director of the Barbara Lee Family Foundation. She leads the Foundation’s nonpartisan efforts to advance women’s political equality and increase women’s representation in the field of contemporary art through political research, strategic partnerships, and grants and endowments.
Adrienne Kimmell
Adrienne Kimmell is Executive Director of the Barbara Lee Family Foundation. She leads the Foundation’s nonpartisan efforts to advance women’s political equality.
Blog Post List

May 26, 2017
Traditional gender roles die hard. Recently, the Barbara Lee Family Foundation shared new research on how women candidates can talk about their families and their personal lives on the campaign trail. What we learned: Voters still question how women can serve constituents and take care of family responsibilities at the same time. For moms who want to run, they must balance a fine line between the personal and political without alienating voters. But it can be done. My job is to encourage women to run for office, but I get it - running for office isn’t for everyone. Whether it’s time, money,...
July 25, 2012
Marissa Mayer’s appointment as Yahoo’s CEO is a double-edged sword. It is, on its face, a shot in the arm to the perception of workplace equality and at the same time a reminder of how far we have to go to reach fairness for mothers working outside the home. It is also a reminder that we need mothers’ voices in elected office to fight for paid family leave, paid sick days, and affordable, accessible healthcare for all families. But who has time to run? As a mother of a nine-month-old baby and the Executive Director of the Barbara Lee Family Foundation with a mission to engage women in...