Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, August 6, 2021
The beginning of August is always a busy time. Some families are taking last minute summer vacations, others are already headed back to school, and others are busy with the daily juggle of work and family in an ongoing pandemic.
And while August is usually a quiet time on the legislative front with Congress in recess, the pandemic has made this year anything but usual. In fact, this year, August is busier than ever on the legislative front! So we need your help making sure our leaders prioritize building a care infrastructure to lower costs, create jobs, and lift families as they work throughout this August.
To help make that happen, this week we have #5Actions that need your attention on immigration, raising the wage, passing a comprehensive child nutrition bill and more.
Thank you for all you do!
-- Sue Anne, Kristin, Claudia, Sara, Elyssa, Jessica, Nadia, Jordan, and the rest of the MomsRising / MamásConPoder Team
Stop the roller coaster! Tell Congress to support a pathway to citizenship in the reconciliation package!
Right now, Congress has the opportunity to end the uncertainty for DACA recipients and pass legislation that will help not only DACA recipients but also essential workers, like farmworkers, and TPS holders, get on a pathway to citizenship. Our survival through the last year and our continued recovery is due to immigrants like DACA recipients, TPS holders, and essential workers who are still working as doctors, nurses, grocery store clerks, teachers, sanitation workers, farmworkers, caregivers and much more.
Get DACA out of limbo, tell Congress to support a pathway to citizenship!
A living wage for all workers and families!
We have a wage shortage on our hands, across the nation. Maybe you know this firsthand when you crunch numbers in your head to budget for food and rent, or maybe you’ve noticed that many businesses are having a difficult time finding, hiring and maintaining staff that can afford to make the minimum wage. It’s undeniable that the minimum wage has become a poverty wage instead of an anti-poverty wage.
Tell Congress: Pass Senator Warren's Wealth Tax NOW
Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, took a 10 minute joyride into space which he was able to self-fund partially because he paid zero federal income taxes in 2007 and 2011. And while his wealth grew by $99 billion from 2014 to 2018, he paid just $973 million in federal income taxes. If Senator Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax was implemented though, Bezos would have owed $5.7 billion in taxes in 2020. It’s time for the ultra-wealthy to pay their fair share!
SIGN OUR PETITION calling on Congress to pass Senator Warren’s Wealth Tax!
Sign now: Congress must pass a strong Child Nutrition Bill!
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the number of families struggling to put food on the table has skyrocketed. A staggering 1 out of every 6 children in America now do not have enough food to eat. The upcoming Child Nutrition Reauthorization Process (CNR) and economic recovery legislation present Congress with just the right opportunity to address this urgent crisis-- let’s make sure that they take this opportunity to strengthen and improve child nutrition programs!
Make sure child care is in every paper lawmakers read this summer!
Right now child care is at a critical moment in our nation. Lawmakers have a historic opportunity to build a child care system that works for children, families, early educators, communities, and our economy. But to get the robust investment needed to make comprehensive quality, affordable child care a reality, our lawmakers need to hear why child care matters to the voters - LIKE YOU! - in their communities.
Letters to the editor are an incredibly powerful way to make sure our elected leaders get the message. Lawmakers are reading their local papers to get a sense of what matters to people in their community. Can you help make sure comprehensive child care makes it to the top of their agenda by sending a quick letter now?
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