![[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A screenshot of a girl in tears, on the news because her parents have been taken in an ICE raid.]](https://www.momsrising.org/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/Families%20belong%20together%21%20Tell%20Congress%20and%20ICE%20to%20stop%20the%20raids%21.png?itok=T9nqPUTm)
Hearing 11-year-old Magdalena Gomez Gregorio begging - BEGGING - for her parents after a raid in Mississippi, where over six hundred people were detained by ICE, is beyond devastating.
As a mother, I think of my 11-year-old...I just can’t. We should be ashamed.
This would be immoral and wrong on any day, but rounding up people, including parents, on the first day of school knowing that children would be left without their parents when they came home from school is especially cruel. Like my own daughter, these children should have been rushing home to tell their parents about their new classes, not left wondering whether they would ever see their parents and guardians again.
And we mean a FULL STOP.
I don’t care what side of the political aisle you sit on. This is a humanitarian crisis. Separating families is wrong. Let’s say it again...THIS. IS. WRONG.
I won’t look away and sit by as this Trump Administration violates the basic human rights and due process rights of immigrant families.
We are traumatizing a whole generation of children and ripping apart families. Research shows that separating children from their parents has tragic, long-term consequences to the health and well-being of children. In fact, a 2018 study found that “family separation represents one of the greatest risks to the health and wellbeing of children, especially in early childhood when children are physically, emotionally, and economically dependent on their parents.”
Yet, despite this research, the Trump Administration continues their cruel and inhumane treatment of immigrant children and families.
We can – and have to! – put a stop to it!
ICE has the discretion to decide how and when they enforce policies, and Congress has the authority to restrict the funding to ICE that enables their #TrumpRaids.
This is important. How we treat new immigrants reflects our commitment to the values that define us as Americans. We believe in looking out for one another, in children being treated with kindness, and in families staying together.
Together, we must stand with immigrant families.
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