We know the voices of parents and caregivers are essential to articulating our shared challenges and defining and demanding the solutions. Yet too often they are tokenized at best, and sidelined at worst.
Join us to change that. We're launching a conversation around what real, meaningful parent engagement looks like, and need your help.
Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts on whether the voices of parents are heard.
We're specifically interested in how parents are involved in decision-making around policies and budgets impacting their lives. Whether it's inputting on draft legislation, a local plan, or the rollout of a new public program, our public policies and budgets must include the voices of those most impacted by them: Us.
Have you ever sat on an county advisory committee? Been invited to input on the launch of a new public program? Been given a seat at the table as policies impacting our families are drafted, decided, and/or implemented? For too many of us, the answer is clear: NO.
To kick things off, we'd be thankful for your quick input on this short survey. Tell us if you think parents are being involved now, what that should look like, and what would be different if they were.
We'll bring your thoughts right to a statewide working group tackling this challenge, which is planning to propose best practices and standards for involving parents in decision making around policies and budgets impacting our lives. The ultimate goal is to ensure that no decision about us is made without us.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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