#FoodFri: SNAP and Current Threats in the Farm Bill
SNAP, or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, helps millions of low-income families have access to healthy food. The SNAP program is under attack in the proposed Farm Bill. We've got all the details on how this could impact millions of families across the United States at this week's #FoodFri chat!
This Friday April 20th join #FoodFri with our guests the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, FRAC, Food Policy Action to discuss the benefits of SNAP, and the current threats to SNAP in the Farm Bill, including attempts to implement harmful work requirements.
We want to hear from you! Come join and share your story with us! We'd also love to include your story in our story collection: Click here to share how SNAP has helped your family.
If you're new to our tweetchats, here's how you can join:
1. Have an account on Twitter (it's free!) www.twitter.com
2. Go to top, search and follow @MomsRising
3. They day of the chat, make sure to search for #FoodFri and follow the LATEST tab so you can join the conversation!
Mark your calendars! See you on Friday, April 20th at 1pm ET/ 10 am PT
Want to help us spread the word?
- #SNAP helps millions of low-income families have access to healthy food. Join #FoodFri with our guests @CenteronBudget, @FRACTweets, @FPAction to discuss the benefits of #SNAP, and the current threats to SNAP in the #FarmBill. Join us on Fri, April 20th at 1pm ET!
- How is the current #FarmBill threatening #SNAP benefits? That's what we will be discussing during this week's #FoodFri chat with guests @CenterOn Budget, @FRACTweets, @FPAction! Join @MomsRising and guests on Friday April 20th at 1pm ET!
- The #FarmBill contains threats to #SNAP! Join us for #FoodFri this week to learn more with @MomsRIsing, @CenteronBudget, @FRACTweets and @FPAction. Mark your calendars and see you on 4/20 at 1pm ET!
- #SNAP is under attack! Come to #FoodFri on Fri. April 20th to find out how the proposed #FarmBill is threatening SNAP benefits. See you there!
- Join @MomsRising @CenteronBudget @FRACTweets @FPAction to discuss how the proposed #FarmBill threatens #SNAP benefits! See you on Friday 4/20 at 1pm ET/ 10 am PT!

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