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A few days ago, we asked MomsRising members like you why you voted, and why you #KeepMarching. In celebration of Giving Tuesday, Nov. 27, we’re sharing 10 of these statements — all of them from MomsRising grandparents. Yes, grandparents! If there’s anyone who can inspire us to keep rising and #KeepMarching, it’s them.

And we’re inviting supporters like you to keep the MOMentum burning bright with a Giving Tuesday contribution, which will be matched $1-for-$1 by another generous MomsRising donor. Please help us reach our goal of raising $15,000 for women and families by Tuesday evening!

I hope you love reading these stories as much as we do.

Elizabeth from Alabama
“Now a grandmother, my real marching days were in the 1960s. But age won't stop me from standing up for what I think is right. And that includes voting. Never was the urgency to vote so strong as what I felt in this year's midterm elections. And I know MomsRising shared that sentiment because they provided me with beautiful postcards to send out to potential voters. And that made a difference. We must make sure that future generations have every possible chance possible to grow and thrive. And vote.”

Marie Edna from California
“I keep marching because at 75 y/o and closer to the end of life I refuse to leave this nation worse off that how I found it when I immigrated to the Great America of my dreams. Every generation after me deserves the wonderful opportunity I found.”

Rivkah from Michigan
"I voted for myself, for my kids, for my future grandchildren, for all our kids and grandchildren, for the planet!"

Sherry from Minnesota
“As a feminist from the late 60's, we fought for equality and women's rights. As a mom and a grandma it is so important to give my granddaughters the freedoms that are our rights. We can't go backwards. Strength, love, wisdom and courage continue through generations. Thank you.”

John from New Hampshire
“First off I'm a Dad. I know the strength of Moms and want my granddaughter to know her voice and vote matters. Keep up the good work.”

Can you help more women and families rise with Giving Tuesday gift to MomsRising - another donor will match every dollar you give, doubling your impact!

Mary from Connecticut
“I vote to protect the vulnerable among us, who can't advocate for themselves: children, the differently abled, the elderly, the environment and the animals and plants in it. I'm a mom, and I want a better, kinder, healthier country and world for my children and grandchildren.”

Laurie from South Carolina
“I vote so my new baby grandson can grow up in a world where he can breathe the air and drink the water. Mother Earth is dying and we need to use our vote to protect her.”

Kenneth from Texas
“I voted because I realize that I benefit from things like Medicare, Social Security and the GI Bill, that were fought for and voted for by previous generations. I want to leave these things and a better world to my grandchildren.”

Ellen from Colorado
“I voted for so many reasons, but especially for my grandchildren. I want them to live in a beautiful, kind and safe world. Lofty heights, I know, but we have to start somewhere.”

Merrill from New York
“When you vote you...become immediately part of something so much bigger than you are. Something that extends and matters for so many more people. As an elder, a grand, I hope to leave behind when I go the awareness that we must give the whole world our vote...Using our vote is the best respect we can give anyone. Voting is a fierce means for finding our way.”

Remember the reason you rise, and #KeepMarching. We’ve got a bright future to build, and we need all of us together to make it happen.

Double your power for women and families, right now, with a Giving Tuesday donation.

We’re incredibly grateful for the kindness, energy and diversity of this MomsRising community, which includes you!


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