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The Mother of All Worries

May 7, 2014
I am the daughter of a Jewish Mother, so that means my mom has spent almost every day of the last 45 years of her life worrying about me. And I have given her plenty to worry about. Nothing majorly epic—I’ve never had a baby out of wedlock, or developed a crippling drug habit, or murdered anyone—...
Tara Dublin's picture

#RADIO this week! — Sexism, Brain Development, the Grammys, and Effective Volunteering!

February 2, 2014
This show starts with uncovering the impact of sexism in the media. Next up we hear about brain development and what you can do to help the little ones in your life thrive. Then we get the inside scoop on the controversies and highlights from Grammy awards. Then we close the show hearing how you (...
Kristin's picture

#RADIO this week! -- War on Toxics & Poverty - What you can do about it!

January 13, 2014
This show starts out hearing about flame retardants in your furniture and why you should be paying attention to this; then we jump into hearing about Representative Donna Edwards New Year's resolutions for action in the coming year in Congress. We follow her interview with an in depth look at the "...
Kristin's picture

#RADIO - This Week! New Year's Resolutions - Celebrating 2013 Victories & Looking Toward 2014

January 6, 2014
This show is all about the new year and new year's resolutions. We cover what we're resolving to do in the new year, both personally and politically; as well as the victories we're celebrating from 2013. *Special guests include: Lisa Maatz, American Association of University Women (AAUW); Ai-jen...
Kristin's picture

#Radio This Week! -- Our Economy, Our Families, Our Congress, And Our Nation

December 23, 2013
This show starts out getting the inside scoop on the labor movement America, then we jump to hearing about the big conflict in Congress over unemployment insurance. Will 1.3 million people get left out in the cold? From there we move to explore the growing inequality in our nation and what you can...
Kristin's picture

#RADIO this week! - Creating Change! From music to legislation to social media and more.

December 10, 2013
Hear the inside scoop on gun violence in America, listen to as U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi shares what’s really happening in Congress, explore the brilliant campaign that led to Marissa Alexander being released from prison, and catch up with Krist Novoselic, bassist and co-founder of...
Kristin's picture

#RADIO this week! – The Real Feminist Nightmare - #FeminismIsForMothersToo

December 2, 2013
When the first lady is attacked and called a feminist nightmare for embracing her role as "mom-in-chief" -- despite her leadership in key policy areas like stemming the childhood obesity epidemic, increasing access to healthy food and aiding military families and veterans -- it's time to call foul...
Kristin's picture

#RADIO this week! - The Battles Ahead

November 18, 2013
We start out with Congressman Jim McGovern on SNAP, foodstamps, why they're in jeopardy and what you can do about it. Then we move to Congresswoman Barbara Lee who shares the very latest on the current budget negotiations. Next up, dream hampton shares the tragic story of 19-year old Renisha...
Kristin's picture

#RADIO this week! – Advertising. Politics. Childcare. Junk Food Marketing

November 11, 2013
On this show we talk about advertising directed at women and how it impacts our body images; hear the latest about women in politics; uncover how to fix the fact that childcare now costs more than college; and explore food marketing, how it impacts kids, and what you can do about it. *The following...
Kristin's picture

#RADIO this week! – Flaming Sword of Change

October 28, 2013
On this show start with an analysis of what's going wrong in DC and how we can help turn our nation around, then hear from a journalist about why your story matters, get the details on the budget shenanigans in Congress and what specifics you should be paying attention to, and find out about how to...
Kristin's picture
