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What do a goddess, a super civic entrepreneur, a digital ninja, and an Olympian have in common?

They were all on the #RADIO show this week! (And I'm counting my blessings that I got a chance to talk with them all!)

*Special guests on the radio show this week include: Kimberly DrGoddess Ellis​; Eric Liu​, award-winning author, founder and CEO of Citizen University​; Nancy Hogshead-Makar​, three time gold medalist in the Olympics and CEO of Champion Women​; Sili M. Recio​,​ and Digital Ninja of My Mamihood​.

LISTEN: In the DC-area, on many stations across the nation, and anytime on and TuneIn's Progressive Voices & on iTunes, where you can subscribe for free!

*Thank you to radio gurus: Emma Margraf​, Paul Van Erem​, Peter James Callahan​, Jon Sinton​, Kymone Tecumseh Freeman​, Alex Lawson​.

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