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Paid Family Leave

Support for Working Mothers Shouldn't Be a Perk

June 30, 2013
A recent article in the New York Times seems to confuse corporate perks with what should be corporate priorities. In “ The Calorie-Packed Perk ,” Molly Young wrote about the many perks high tech start-ups offer employees: birthday cake, barbecue, Pinkberry, pinball machines, nursing rooms and “...
Liz O Donnell's picture

Sen. Harkin Holding Townhalls Across Iowa

June 26, 2013
Iowans, this message is just for you: THIS week Sen. Tom Harkin's staff is hosting several town halls across Iowa and it's a perfect time to go and talk about why access to earned paid sick days and paid family leave are so important. Sen. Harkin is champion on these issues for families across Iowa...
Ruth Martin's picture

Member Voices: Sexism's stamina is actually not so puzzling.

June 25, 2013
Ed.: MomsRising member and blogger Dasa Kelly responds to a recent op/ed in the New York Times about the stamina of sexism in our culture. Oh, where to begin. What this , Sheryl Sandberg’s book, Anne Marie Slaughter’s Atlantic piece , and others fail to mention in the ongoing debate on women in the...
Dasa Kelly's picture

Give Dad a Break

June 14, 2013
The annual June Father's day shopping binge is at its zenith. Stores are touting the latest gizmos and geegaws, and everybody loves Dad. All except corporate America, that is. Just count the number of companies giving paid leave to men with newborns. While some employers offer time off with pay to...
Martha Burk's picture

A Father's Day gift that keeps giving

June 14, 2013
Policies such as family and medical leave programs and earned sick days make it easier for fathers to bear their responsibilities. On this Father's Day, too many fathers have to choose between the family they love and the job they need. That's a choice no one should ever have to make. If we want...
Ellen Bravo's picture

Family Leave Meant a Strong Start for My Son, My Family and Me

June 14, 2013
Eight years ago, our first son was born. Like many, I found becoming a parent to be an amazing, life-changing experience. I was humbled by the realities of this new responsibility and overwhelmed by the love that I had to give. Nine months of anticipation only partially prepare you for parenthood...
David Uy's picture

Fathers have become unicorns

June 12, 2013
Fatherhood is a lifestyle. Fatherhood should not just something that you get to do after work, on the weekends or when you are allowed to by the courts or the mother. Fathers live for the betterment of the lives of their children. It is very disturbing that we live in a society that has bestowed...
Brandale Randolph's picture

Fathers on Family Leave: A MomsRising Blog Carnival

June 12, 2013
Father's Day is a great time to reflect on the joys, struggles, challenges and epiphanies that come with fatherhood. I'm honored to introduce this Blog Carnival that focuses on the early days of fatherhood - Fathers on Family Leave, with revealing stories from dads about their...
Mark Anthony Neal's picture

Investing in families pays off

June 12, 2013
The birth of my daughter came just about 1 year after starting a new job in the non-profit sector. I was fortunate in that the organization I work for is run by warm and kind people who appreciate and value the staff. Our staff of seven people were also fairly young on average when I started, and...
Peter Walz's picture


June 12, 2013
Four of my favorite people in the world call me Junie (their special name for their grandfather). Granny and I have been married for almost fifty years. We’re grandparents to four delightful grandchildren. I’d like to offer my input from a grandfather’s perspective as to why Father’s Day is such a...
Charlie Dotson's picture
