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MomsVote volunteer in NC

Impressive November MOMentum, Friends!

December 4, 2022
MOMentum banner.gif What a month for mom power! When democracy needed it most, MomsRising supporters like you stepped up in a MASSIVE way to get out the Mom Vote for the midterm elections – including handwriting nearly a million postcards to give moms who are infrequent voters the information they...
Kerri Karvetski's picture
We need to redefine the concept of boundaries because they're not about drawing a line in the sand one day and everything changes.

Understanding Boundaries

November 29, 2022
With the upcoming holiday season and its related demands, let's talk about boundaries. Whether at work or home, boundaries begin inside you when you sense a need and decide to care for yourself. You know something’s got to give. You can’t keep doing life this way. But you might not know what needs...
Beth Anstandig's picture
We Are MomsRising

Story time: The fall of Roe v Wade did not silence us. It activated us.

November 15, 2022
Why is abortion critical for moms? America’s moms were faced with the unthinkable reality when the U.S. Supreme Court relegated our autonomy to the states, making our ability to access the reproductive health care we needed almost impossible. Everything changed for every woman, every family, and...
Diarra Diouf's picture

Texas leaders: We need the maternal mortality data.

November 15, 2022
October 12, 2022 Texas is home to powerhouse women! From Barbara Jordan, the first Black woman to be elected to the Texas State Senate and represent Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives, to a pioneer in the labor rights movement, Emma Tenayuca, who organized two international ladies' garment...
Diarra Diouf's picture

Brand New Breaking Through Episode: Yes, we did! #Election2022

November 14, 2022
On the radio show this week, we cover the power of our votes; #Election2022; how to fight back against anti-semitism; and how to run for office!
MomsRising's picture

Brand New Breaking Through Episode: VOTING IS FUN! DEMOCRACY IS GREAT! (VOTE NOVEMBER 8!)!

November 7, 2022
On the radio show this week we talk about the true power of your vote (spoiler alert: It’s big), what policies are at stake, how grandmothers are rising, and the best ways to make a plan to vote on (or before) November 8th. Find out where to vote at *Special guests include...
MomsRising's picture
woman screaming

MOMentum so good you'll SCREAM!

November 1, 2022
Don't be afraid. Good news inside!
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Why it's important to evaluate group culture.

Normalizing Group Culture Around Needs

October 31, 2022
When you watch a herd of horses, they’re constantly communicating with each other about group and individual needs. They have a beautiful system of feedback and flow. When a need is expressed, it’s tended to. Yes, like human herds, there’s conflict but horse herds make necessary adjustments, move...
Beth Anstandig's picture
Collage of children and text that says "Let's advocate for our little learners"

Take Action Now: let's invest in the Fair Start for Kids Act

October 28, 2022
Halloween is around the corner, and it's time to let our kids know they are the pick of the patch! Our state leaders have the opportunity (and duty!) to keep up the pace and continue to do big things for Washington’s youngest learners! Families like yours and mine are tired of tricks and no treats...
Mandy Kwan's picture

Brand New Breaking Through Episode: #RestoreRoe, #RaiseTheWage, #MomsArePowerful, and #StopAAPIHate (Make a plan to vote on — or before — November 8th!

October 21, 2022
On the radio show this week we cover how (and why) to #RestoreRoe; where one fair wage & raising the minimum wage is on the ballot on the ways you can help; hear about a terrific new book, Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change; and we also cover the new report,The Blame Game: How...
MomsRising's picture
