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Childcare & Early Education

5 Ways to Bring Rules Back After Summer

August 27, 2019
If you and your kids went a little overboard on screen-time this summer, you're in good company. According to a Harris Interactive poll , about half of all parents say their kids watch more TV, play more video games, surf the Web more, and watch more movies during the summer months. With back-to-...
Caroline Knorr's picture

Finding Summer Childcare

August 22, 2019
My name is Karen Browning and I’m proud to be a part of MomsRising! Becoming a mother changed me in ways I never imagined it would. I’ve been politically active and committed to doing what I can to help make the world a better place, since I was a teenager. Becoming a mother to my two boys only...
Karen Browning's picture

A Moment to Speak Out for Children

August 15, 2019
Long time child advocate and former deputy assistant secretary for early childhood development, Joan Lombardi, urges us all to step up efforts to stand up for children. It seems like every day we hear disturbing news about children facing violence in their communities, being separated from their...
Joan Lombardi's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Logo reading "Health equity action for system transformation, a project of Families USA."]

Preventing, Mitigating Adverse Childhood Experiences

August 14, 2019
As a nation, it is critical to our collective future that we ensure that all children have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Yet early adversity, toxic stress, and trauma are erecting lifelong barriers for many children, jeopardizing their healthy development, their ability to self-actualize, and their long-term well-being.
Sinsi Hernández-Cancio's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Three women sit at a dark wooden table in Congress.]

My Congressional Testimony: How Childcare Costs Impact Us

August 7, 2019
My name is Danielle Henry. I’m a MomsRising volunteer, a mother of two, a wife, and a former full-time employee. I’m here to discuss the fiscal impact of childcare costs on my family and my community.
Danielle Henry's picture

A New Parents' Guide to Using Social Media Safely, Responsibly, and Productively

August 2, 2019
Before baby, you were a Facebooking, Instagramming, texting fool, sharing everything from your perfect pasta dish to your hella-good manicure. Now, looking at your little bundle of joy, you may be wondering: What's OK to share, and what's TMI? What are the easiest tech tools for preserving those...
Caroline Knorr's picture

#5Actions: Taxes, Family Separation & More

July 19, 2019
We're back with this week's list of top #5Actions from the past week, including hot items on taxes, family separation, childcare, and more. Your voice is urgently needed; please scroll through to be sure you've signed them all. Then share with friends and family, too! 1. Speak Out: Every Member of...
Karen Showalter's picture

National Call-in Day: On July 22nd Call Congress to push for a fair budget

July 19, 2019
Once again, the Trump Administration and Congress are headed towards the brink. In September, services we need may come to a screeching halt unless new funding levels and the federal government’s authority to borrow are renewed. Since Congress will be leaving for August recess in a few weeks, these...
Abbie Gately's picture

Realizing a Dream for Our Children

July 12, 2019
Next week, clergy, seminarians, religious educators, community organizers, young adult leaders and other faith-based advocates in the intergenerational, interracial, multi-ethnic, ecumenical community pursuing justice for our nation’s children will come together at the Children’s Defense Fund’s...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
4th in a series

A Woman-Centered Economic Agenda: Improve Access to Paid Leave, Paid Sick Days, Child Care

July 11, 2019
Ensuring that a growing economy is equitable and benefits all workers is an important policy priority for all elected officials. Given that women’s earnings and economic security are central to the health and well-being of U.S. households and the overall economy, each election cycle presents an...
Heidi Hartmann's picture
