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Health Care

Actúe: ¿Qué hay en un nombre?

September 1, 2014
Muchas mamas a través del país son trabajadoras autónomas o están lanzando nuevos pequeños negocios – un status que cariñosamente llamamos “Mamásprendedoras.” Ya sea que es una bloguista, vende creaciones hechas en casa por internet, ofrece su experticia mediante contratos, o es dueña de su propia...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Actúe: Información para los adultos mayores en su vida

September 1, 2014
To read this blog post in English, click here . Ayer fue el Día Nacional de los Abuelos y en honor a los adultos mayores importantes en nuestras vidas, queríamos compartir información sobre cómo la Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio impactará a los adultos mayores. Mientras los mayores sobre la...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Se Puede Inscribir a Covered California el 1ero de Octubre de 2013

August 31, 2014
Covered California comenzó registrar pacientes el 1ero de Octubre de 2013, con el inicio de cobertura el 1ero de Enero de 2014. Éste fue un periodo emocionante, ya que las comunidades de color representan dos-tercios de los 2,7 millones individuos que podrán tener los requisitos para obtener...
California Pan-Ethnic Health Network's picture

6 ways to stress less & simplify this fall

August 28, 2014
If you’re feeling some anxiety around the all the transitions, scheduling, and driving that usually accompany a new school year, take a deep breath, pause, and consider the following ideas for a simpler, less stressful school year.
Renee Trudeau's picture

No One Ever Expects a Child to get Cancer-- and Why That Must Change

August 27, 2014
The commercials air every holiday season. They’ve featured an adorable little boy trying to make a lunch date with Jennifer Aniston , a giggling mischievous cherub teasing Robin Williams , and another hanging out with Olympic champion snowboarder Shaun White. These kids are cancer patients and...
Kristine Dworkin's picture

Ensure Fair Wages for Home Care Workers for Women’s Equality Day

August 26, 2014
Today we celebrate Women’s Equality Day, the anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote. It has been almost a century since that historic occasion, and women have made enormous progress toward political and social equality. But when it comes to economic equity,...
Jodi Sturgeon's picture

Don’t lose your ACA health coverage!

August 19, 2014
If you received a warning notice in the mail or know you have a data inconsistency with your original marketplace health insurance application, read the below blog post from and get your paperwork in to the marketplace ASAP by September 5th!
Nina Perez's picture

Expanding Medicaid: Better Health, Jobs, and Economic Activity for States

August 11, 2014
See the original blog post at the FamiliesUSA blog by Dee Mahan and Andrea Callow . *************** 24 states have chosen not to accept federal funds that would provide affordable health insurance to more low-income residents by expanding Medicaid. A recent report by the White House Council of...
Dee Mahan's picture

Getting Your Grown Kid to Sign up for Health Insurance

August 8, 2014
Health insurance isn’t always first on a young adult’s mind. But money often is. So parents, what happens when you explain to your grown kid that having health coverage can be key to protecting their purchasing power, in addition to health? Many listen and enroll.
Christina Postolowski's picture

It’s Breastfeeding Month. Here’s How Getting Covered Could Help.

August 8, 2014
The American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommends that babies be breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months of their lives and that breastfeeding continues for the child’s first year. Unfortunately, a lot of moms who have tried nursing their children can tell you that’s often easier said than done.
Christine Sinatra's picture
