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Health Care

A Great Way To Find Lower Cost Health Care: Comparative Websites

May 1, 2018
Families with health insurance now spend an average of $5,700 per year on premiums, the Kaiser Family Foundation’s annual employer survey found. That’s just the money coming out of each paycheck. Then there’s the bills sent by the physician office, pharmacy and hospital. Even for families with “...
Maureen Mustard's picture

Video: Family Shares Stories of How Medicaid Helped Their Medically Complex Child

April 27, 2018
Recently, we shared the story of Austin Carrigg and her family, and the journey they went on together with their adopted baby girl, Melanie. When Melanie united with her mom, dad, and two brothers in 2012, the Carriggs knew the road ahead wouldn’t always be a smooth one. Melanie came into the...
Say Ahhh's picture

NC: Got PE? We want to know!

April 26, 2018
I don’t know about you, but I can tell when my kids haven’t had enough physical activity during the school day. It shows up in ways like bouncing off the walls because they have energy to burn, difficulty focusing because they haven’t moved enough, or being cranky or tired because they had to try...
BethM's picture
A black and white shot of a ceramic piggy bank in the hands of a young person, whose hands are held by an older set of hands.

I am Sick of Crowdfunding for Healthcare

April 19, 2018
I have had it. This morning I got another GoFundMe request in my inbox. This time it is to support the treatment for the mother of a teammate on my son’s lacrosse team. She will need to have surgery in the next two weeks to remove a brain tumor. I don’t know her well, but I do know she is a single...
Christina DAllesandro's picture

I'm a mom who says NO to slashing Medicaid!

April 17, 2018
Tax day is a good time to revisit the many ways in which the GOP tax scam and Trump's policies will hurt families like mine. I delivered this speech on behalf of Little Lobbyists at a Tax March rally in February with Leader Nancy Pelosi and other Congressional representatives and civil rights...
Jamie Davis Smith's picture
Tune In!

#RisersRadio this Week: #EqualityNow!

April 16, 2018
On the #RADIO show this week, we cover Black Maternal Health Awareness Week; Equal Pay Day; Trump’s #TaxScam and how corporations are benefiting from the Trump tax plan; and the impact of social media, including Facebook, on democracy. *Special guests include: Elizabeth Dawes, Black Mamas Matter...
Kristin's picture

President Trump’s Executive Order Focuses on Reducing Poverty but Many Administration Policies Run Counter to that Goal

April 13, 2018
Written by Joan Alker , Executive Director of the Center for Children and Families The President issued an executive order yesterday titled “Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility”. It requires the Secretaries of Treasury, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, HHS, HUD,...
Say Ahhh's picture
Take Action!

SNAP & Medicaid are under attack. Sign our letter and support families!

April 9, 2018
GOP leaders in the U.S. Congress want to pass unnecessary, harmful, and overly restrictive work requirement in order to access SNAP, which boosts our families and economy. Sign our letter NOW telling Congress "hands off SNAP!"
Elyssa Schmier's picture

How Midwifery Can Help Improve Maternal Mortality Rates

April 4, 2018
Check out MomsRising's Anayah Rose , certified nurse-midwife talk to correspondent Jacque Reid of Tom Joyner Radio for this "Inside Her Story" program about how midwifery can help improve maternal mortality rates for Black mothers.
Tasmiha Khan's picture
Take Action!

Speak out to protect Medicaid for Michigan families!

April 4, 2018
I have to tell you, I’m pretty fired up right now and as a fellow Michigander you should be too! Why? There is a bill moving through the Michigan State Senate right now that has the potential to take away the health care of millions of Michiganders . Medicaid is a proven program that lifts up our...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
