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Families & The Federal Budget

photo of a page on a typewriter with the word opinion

CNN OPINION: This Equal Pay Day, let's smash the maternal wall

March 15, 2022
"If families really mattered to Republican leaders, then they wouldn't be focused on banning important books, restricting access to reproductive healthcare and attacking LGBTQ+ kids." - Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner In this powerful CNN Opinion , MomsRising Executive Director Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner...
MomsRising's picture

Martha: mother, educator, and advocate for the Child Tax Credit

March 10, 2022
Hello! My name is Martha Mouret-Sanders. I live in Dallas, Texas with my husband, our five-year-old son and our two-year-old daughter. I am a sixth grade teacher and a proud member of MomsRising. Thank you for the opportunity to speak today about what my family and my community have faced during the pandemic, and what we need to recover.
Claudia Tristan's picture
Parent holding child's hand in field

The Second CTC Payment WV Families Have Been Denied - Tell Congress to Pass BBB!

March 4, 2022
Last week I joined other West Virginia moms in D.C. demanding our W.V. senators do right by our families by reinstating the monthly Child Tax Credit payments and other policies to support families like yours and mine by passing the Build Back Better Act. And like I said on the Capitol Steps, this...
Hanna's picture
Parent holding baby

The Second CTC Payment This Year Missed - Tell Congress to Pass BBB!

March 3, 2022
Since last summer, families across the country have been breathing a sigh of relief each month when the Child Tax Credit (CTC) payment arrives, giving families up to $300/child each month. [1] However, February 15th marked the SECOND month that families were unable to receive their monthly CTC...
Hanna's picture

¡Únete a nuestra fiesta de Lotería!

February 28, 2022
Te invitanmos a disfrutar de palomitas y LOTERÍA con el Presidente... ¡todo desde la comodidad de tu sala! Este martes por la noche (1 de marzo) a las 9 p. m. ET / 6 p. m. PT, el presidente Joe Biden dará el Estado de la Unión 2022 (SOTU). Para que la observación sea divertida y poderosa, hemos...
linda's picture

Join Our BINGO Party!

February 25, 2022
Popcorn and BINGO with the President... all from the comfort of your living room! Want in? This Tuesday night (March 1st) at 9pm ET / 6pm PT President Joe Biden will be giving the 2022 State of the Union (SOTU). In order to make watching fun and powerful, we've created a BINGO card to help you...
Hanna's picture

Did you miss the CareAVan?

February 23, 2022
On Valentine's Day, we took to the street in the hope that Cupid's arrow would spark some care infrastructure love into the hearts of our U.S. Senators. We got together with the National Women's Law Center and with the help of Chalk R!ot, a Cocoa CareAVan, and candy hearts we spelled it out clearly and colorfully: Care. Can't. Wait.
MomsRising's picture
Two parents with child looking at computer

#TaxRefund Tweetchat: Filing Taxes for the EITC, CTC, & Available Tax Credits for Families

February 22, 2022
On Tuesday, February 8th, MomsRising hosted an exciting bilingual #TaxRefund Tweetchat on Filing Taxes for the EITC, CTC, & Available Tax Credits for Families. We discussed getting families to file taxes for the upcoming tax season to receive tax credits like the EITC, the remaining amount of...
Hanna's picture

Brand New Breaking Through Podcast: Fueling Change

February 18, 2022
On the radio show this week we cover the importance of hope to fuel change and the new ways that the Build Back Better agenda is moving forward; we also cover why and how the fight to raise the minimum wage to one fair living wage is gaining momentum (and how you can help); we dive into the latest...
MomsRising's picture

Call-in and let your rage OUT!

January 27, 2022
Do you occasionally fantasize about RAGE YELLING at the top of your lungs every new day that you need to parent in this pandemic amid child care closures, no paid family and medical leave, and stacking bills? Same friend. SAME.
Nina Perez's picture
