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Staying Active as We Head Back to School! #FoodFri

September 1, 2016
Author's Note: Although this chat ended you can click to read the September 2, 2016 #FoodFri STORIFY - a curated list of said chat's tweets compiled into a story format, to learn more about the topic, review chat resources and engage with chat panelist(s) and participants . Studies have shown that...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Women Share How They Stay Young at Heart and Vibrant in Their MidLife

July 29, 2016
The other day, while chatting with my teenage son, he reminded me I was GASP middle aged. He didn't intentionally disparage my age. He wouldn't do that. No. This remark was mentioned in passing. Breezily thrown in the air as if the weight of those words didn't strike me like a thunder bolt in my...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Let's Chat About Summer Foods, Family and FUN with @BokKids at #FoodFri!

July 22, 2016
With summer in full swing, parents and children are enjoying more time outside, at the park, beach, BBQs and while traveling. This is great fun but can easily derail a family's healthy accomplishments. To stay mindful of the food you and your family are consuming, because junk food is ok once in a...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

#FoodFri: How, and Why, Should Faith Leader Lead the Way To a Healthier Lifestyle?

July 15, 2016
For many, the church is a safe place of community where they can share support, fellowship and resources. This week for #FoodFri we are joined by faith leaders and clergy who are taking it a step further. They are encouraging their community to lead a healthier lifestyle, by example. 7-16-...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Learn Strategies For Cultivating Healthy Habits at #FoodFri!

June 24, 2016
Habits are unconscious and automatic. Even if we want to eat healthfully and feed our families well, habits can undermine our good intentions. When willpower is drained, or we’re tired or stressed, we’re especially likely to fall back on habits, healthy or otherwise. That’s why building healthy...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Faith Communities are Advocating for Health, Wellness, and Food Justice. Learn More at #FoodFri!

May 17, 2016
This week at #FoodFri we are going to explore the ways that faith communities are advocating for health, wellness, and food justice. We'll talk about the steps that people of faith are taking to improve their own health and that of their community, as well as explore the theology and practice...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Sugar and Our Quest to Build a Food System that Keeps Our Communities and Families Healthy #FoodFri

May 13, 2016
MomsRising is hosting a #FoodFri tweetchat on May 13, 2016 at 1 pm Eastern , to share the work of Foodstand (a community of eaters helping each other stay in the know about how to shop, cook, and eat better) and Jamie Oliver Food Foundation on Food Revolution Day. This year, the focus of Food...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Race, Healthy Food and Diabetes: The Unequal Access in Our Food System #FoodFri

May 6, 2016
Since the 1980s, diabetes rates among U.S. adults have nearly quadrupled. A new report by the Union of Concerned Scientists finds that unequal food access in the United States plays an important role in diabetes rates, especially for communities of color. How do we solve the issue of access and...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Cinco Maneras De Ayudar A Los Niños Latinos A Lograr Un Peso Saludable Antes Del Kindergarten

April 15, 2016
Más niños latinos niños de entre las edades de 2-5 años sufren de sobrepeso u obesidad (30%) que los niños blancos (21%). Esto es debido a la obesidad maternal, a la falta de lactancia materna, y a polizas laborales y de cuidado infantil que afectan a la nutrición y a los niveles de actividad...
Amelie Ramirez's picture

Menu Labeling Explained: What It Is, Its Importance to Consumers, and More at #FoodFri!

March 25, 2016
Author's Note: Although this chat ended you can click to read the March 26, 2016 #FoodFri STORIFY - a curated list of said chat's tweets compiled into a story format, to learn more about the topic, review chat resources and engage with chat panelist(s) and participants . This month is the sixth...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
