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This week is National Farmer's Market Week which is really important to note. As we push for Health care reform and look at all the illnesses that affect our families and communities, we have to look at the impact of the way we eat today. There have been plenty of national studies telling us that America is suffering from an Obesity epidemic. Our children, familes and adults aren't eating enough of the right healthy foods and getting enough exercise. Many of the foods that we eat are processed, filled with unhealthy supplements to keep long shelf lives on the store and they're packaged and sold for convenience. We're not going out and getting fresh fruits, vegetables and meats to feed our families.

Farmer's markets in our local communities are really important sources of getting fresh, healthy and seasonal fruits, vegetables and proteins that we should be preparing for our families. It's important that our Farmer's Markets are thriving and that we go out and pick the best foods to support a healthier lifestyles. We'll also be economically supporting local farmers, especially the organic farmers who avoid using harmful pesticides that pollute our food and add chemicals in our bodies that accumulate over time and can contribute to illnesses.

There are Farmer's markets springing up in communities across the nation. One really innovative Farmer's Market was started at Kaiser Permanente's Hospital and offered right on their property to their patients coming to the hospital. Making it affordable, accessible and convenient for their patients. I'll be interviewing and detailing more information about this innovative program that has spread throughout their system pioneered by Dr. Preston Maring in Oakland, CA.

So go out and find your local Farmer's Market and buy some fresh fruit and vegetables. If you don't have one in your local community, write us at and let us know how we can help you recruit and start one so your whole community can benefit from this important addition to your community.

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