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MomsRising Newsroom

August 22, 2023
Media advisory CONTACT: Whitney Carlson, 517-492-7070 ***Register to attend the briefing here*** WHAT: Press conference to promote recently-enacted congressional legislation that expands workplace protections for pregnant people and working mothers, and the debut of a new billboard in Times Square that celebrates these achievements.  WHO: 
August 16, 2023
Statement “While mifepristone remains available in the United States, it is disgraceful that another conservative court today ruled to limit access to a medication that has been used safely in this country for more than 20 years. The ruling today won’t change access right now; the case now goes to the U.S. Supreme Court. But no court should restrict access to an FDA-approved medication that has been proven safer than penicillin, Tylenol, and Viagra; and is the only option many of us have left for abortion.
August 14, 2023
Statement “Following the economic disruption the pandemic caused, women are back in the labor force in record numbers, but women in general – and moms in particular – are experiencing a punitive wage gap that depresses our wages and causes great harm to our families. This shameful wage gap persists because Congress has failed to prioritize the policies and investments needed to close it. 
July 27, 2023
Statement “The drug pricing provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act offer enormous and badly needed benefits that will improve the health and economic security of moms and families. But it is only the beginning of what we need to prevent moms from being forced to ration or go without the medications they need when a child has diabetes, a parent has cancer, or another family member falls ill. We need Congress to pass the Lowering Drug Costs for American Families Act to continue the progress.
July 26, 2023
Statement “Tomorrow is a painful reminder that Black women must work nearly 19 months to be paid what White men are paid in 12. The wage gap is an appalling symptom of structural racism and sexism in our country, and it causes real harm to hard-working Black women, families and communities. This unjust, unjustifiable wage gap will persist until Congress takes meaningful action to close it. 
July 19, 2023
Statement “The reports that officers working for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security initiative ordered Texas state troopers to push asylum-seekers, including nursing infants and their moms, pregnant women, and young children, into the Rio Grande and to deny them water in the withering, life-threatening heat are absolutely horrifying. The reports include a young woman having a miscarriage while trapped in Gov.
July 18, 2023
Statement “The rage, the sadness, the terror moms feel when, time after time after time, we learn about lives lost to police violence is immeasurable. It is clear that investigations, lawsuits, and charges after these avoidable tragedies, most of which harm people who are Black or Brown or living with disabilities, are not enough. We need to truly transform our approach to public safety by adopting inclusive, holistic and health-centered measures that will keep our communities safe. We need the People’s Response Act, which is being re-introduced in Congress today, to do just that.
June 30, 2023
Statement “This week, the U.S. Supreme Court built on its disgraceful, regrettable record of denying rights and remedies to people who face discrimination and hardship with appalling decisions that limit the rights of LGBTQ+ customers and people of color pursuing higher education – and with its ruling striking down President Biden’s modest student debt relief program. The Biden program would have helped more than 40 million Americans struggling with crushing levels of student debt.
June 29, 2023
News release MomsRising, the online and on-the-ground organization of more than one million mothers and their families, will be circulating mobile billboards outside the Moms for Liberty Summit in Philadelphia this weekend to highlight that the majority of moms in America are not on the same page with its dangerous, extreme agenda. The mobile billboards will circle the Downtown Marriott (at 1201 Market Street) where the Moms for Liberty event is taking place, as well as City Hall, on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. They say:
