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<a href="">Send Mom-to-Mom Postcards in 2024? It's FREE!</a>

MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of moms, over the last several years, have received a handwritten postcard from a MomsRising mom, urging them to vote. Our powerful mom-to-mom postcard program has been running (and growing!) for 8 years now, and it is one of our most beloved programs.

<a href="">SIGN ON! Help us protect immigrant families and children!</a>

Moms know how important our immigrant community members are in keeping our families and kids healthy.

<a href="">Tell Congress: Power moms - Pass care policies in honor of Mother’s Day!</a>

This Mother’s Day, as we celebrate the many, many ways that moms power the U.S. (and all of us!), we’re calling on Congress to power moms by passing care policies!

<a href="">ACT NOW: Maternal Mental Health Justice includes Reproductive Care!</a>

Women need full access to reproductive care, including abortions, AND more resources for maternal mental health. We are not living single-issue lives! Urge our leaders to fight for us as whole human beings deserving of bodily autonomy and health.

<a href="">What Do You Want for Mother's Day? Flowers OR CHANGE!</a>

Rarely are all eyes on moms in the way they are during Mother’s Day week; so as the spotlight shines on our flowers this week, it also needs to shine on the impossibility of mothering in America – and the changes we need to make as a nation so the impossible becomes possible.

<a href="">QUICK SIGNATURE! Emergency funds for NC child care are about to run out; families at risk of losing care!</a>

Child care is in a crisis in NC, and lawmakers must act! Families can’t afford the high cost of child care or find openings in their area, which can force them out of work. At the same time, early learning teachers can’t afford to work for poverty-level wages and are struggling to provide for their own families, and providers can’t afford to keep their doors open. We must invest in child care now!

<a href="">Help stop anti-immigrant bill, HB 10! Contact your NC Representative and tell them to VOTE NO on HB 10!</a>

This bill would deter immigrants from reporting sexual assault or domestic violence to the police and put members of our community at risk of deportation! It would erode community trust in law enforcement, making our communities less safe and increase racial profiling and family separation. Something as simple as a traffic violation, requiring no jail time, can put people on track for deportation, blurring the lines between the criminal system and the immigration system.

<a href="">Tell PA Leaders: Pass the Black Maternal Health Momnibus!</a>

The U.S. is the deadliest place to give birth out of any high-income country. Join us to urge PA leaders to support the Pennsylvania Momnibus package of legislation, that will help end the crisis of Black moms dying at disparate rates across commonwealth from preventable, pregnancy-related complications.